Tuesday, 31 July 2012

I'm gonna' do it myself soon if it carry's on like this...

I really need a good Rock/Metal Bass Player who lives in or around Northampton Town Center Northamptonshire U.K (NN1) Lot's of people are replying to my advert but then make their excuses not to turn up or i don't hear from them again. It's getting very annoying. I already have Rhythm Guitar, Drummer (With Double Kicks) a Lead Guitarist (Me) and i have a vocalist auditioning this Friday & hopefully joining the band (If He's Good Enough & Wants To That Is) but Bass players keep falling through. I'm so close to buying myself a cheap bass and multitracking the basslines myself & I'm not even kidding. If anyone here is a bass player, Vocalist or Bassist/Vocalist & you live in the Northampton area in the U.K, PLEASE get in touch with me. Our band has direction and a few tracks written but unfinished due to a few line up changes. Someone, Anyone help us finish our tracks, write some tunes, Pound your bass, have some fun, do a few gigs & maybe even make some money. We're not a bad bunch and we'll give anyone a fair go if they can play.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Illness beaten and back ontrack

Well i've beaten my Illness and i'm back ontrack. Man i felt like crap the past couple of weeks . I did a 4 hour guitar workout the other day and my fingers are now sore but i have my methods for beating that and the riff writing goes on. I'm gonna arrange the track tommorrow and hopefully have a new track done by the end of the week. The kit's stilll out of action so i'd better put some penny's away and sort out a new one A.S.A.P. Rehearsals will be a Big Noise for the forseeable it'll be good to get some hardcore songwriting sessions in effect. I want this album finished dammit !! and real soon. The first release is not even finished yet and i'm already thinking about the follow up.

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Wrote some new riffs today more possible material for the release.
It's been real hard finding a bass player and a vocalist I'm not getting any replies to my ad's on joinmyband.com i had a couple of replies to begin with but all turned out to be nothing.
One audition for a bass player who never turned up to the second practice and a few interested party's to play bass and vocalists but again nothing come of any of them.

The plan right now is to keep chipping away at writing the tracks lyrics and all.
Then hopefully find musicians to add bass and vocals.

There's a bass player auditioning this Saturday but I'm not getting my hopes up as every bass player audition has been a waste of time so far. Hopefully this time we'll find the right person for the job.

A vocalist is becoming increasingly harder to find it seems there's not many proper Rock/Metal vocalists, front men about. I'm considering singing for now until we can find someone to fill the role.

So practise as usual this Saturday even though we have no working drum kit here at the moment i guess it'll be a guitar writing session instead.

I gotta sort out a new kit real soon as it's holding back progress, For this Saturday I'll put together a MIDI drum track so we can work out the arrangement for "Massive Overload" and "So Far".

I wish i could fit Paul's drum kit in my front room but i don't think the neighbours would like it much.

We gotta get ourselves back to big noise for next week all writing and practise sessions will have to be done there until a new kit is sorted. Then writing sessions can continue here in my home studio and practises at Big Noise like originally planned.

I'm trying to stay focused and NOT let these temporary setbacks get to me. It will work out OK in the end but more effort needs to be put in from all involved.

We have a lot of work ahead and it's time we got it sorted.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Wrote new Riff Last Night

Wrote a new riff last night I'm happy with it.
I'm gonna expand it some more today and see what it turns into.
Something good hopefully.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Band Practice Cancelled Due To Illness

We had to cancell band practice today because i've had a bad bug all week and Sean's not feeling too good either. Back to usual next week though and there might be a new bass player coming along to have a tryout for the band Hopefully.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

What do people think of the Unfinished demo track in the player below ? Have a listen and post your thoughts. Feedback good or bad is always welcome. Let us know what you think.
Thanks to everyone who listened to the unfinished demo's support the band if you like the tracks by commenting on the post here,

 Post Comments

Thanks. FilGee.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

What to do ?

Ok so the practice drumkit finally crapped out on us last week so there was no band practice this week. It looks like we'll be going back to Big Noise for the forseeable if this band is gonna survive. Still no luck finding a singer and or bass player i'm not sure what to do next. I need to finish getting the equiptment for production & recording aswell aswell as the equiptment for the stageset. Things like mics mixer studio monitors aswell as a smoke machine and lighting rig. But that all can wait my most concerning issue right now is we have 4 tracks with no lyrics written. The tracks have titles but no words as of yet. Time yo put a pad in my pocket at all times incase any ideas come to me. Practices hav'nt been going that well lately and there's been a lot of faffing about and no actual productive work getting done. A new rehearsal plan os needed to squeeze more out of the little time we actually spend writing and rehearsing as a band.